The other crazy things I saw in the OR was a guy with a forgein body in his eye. We had to do a blind sweep under his upper eyelid. We saw what looked like a twig and pulled at it. There was a whole grain of rice stuck in his eye. The sheath was still on it and stuck to his eyelid. No wonder he was in a buunch of pain.
There was another man who stepped on a thorn and his whole foot got infected. His skin was sluffin goff and the wound looked like cottage cheese. We scrapped the cheese substance off the wound and tried to stimulate bleeding, so he won't lose his leg.
There was a woman that came in for a uterian scrub. She had a mass in her uterus from the miscarriage she had 9 months ago. It was disgusting. The mass had decayed in her body leaving a slimy pudding-like bloody pus in her uterus.
And last but not least there was a guy with a distended stomach. The operation was mainly exploratory. If they found something that needed immediate attention then they would address that right then and there. As soon as they made the cut to open the stomach all this free gas came rushing out. It was like poking a hole in a balloon. Looking in his abdomen proved he had a vast amount of perforations (he had holes in his gastrointestional tract) and sever cancer. There was a possibility that he would die on the table as well. Dr. Bland and Danae worked long and hard to clear out the dead tissue and the cancerous masses. Feces were everywhere! Poop was oozing out of every hole in his body. In the end the doctors had to take out his colon and most of his large intestine because it was riddled with perforations and cancer. The man will have troubles with water retention, but at least he didn't die on the table. Also, he might die of sepsis because of the feceses. We will see what happens.
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